This walkthrough also includes the cutscenes and summarizes the story.
The walkthrough shows one possible sequence, but a slightly different order is also possible.
There are alternatives at some points, which are noted.
!! WARNING SPOILER ALERT – Continue reading at your own risk !!
Flat – Matt’s Apartment
England, 1987, in a large metropolis, in a small, somewhat shabby apartment.
Matt, a „young“ man around 40, has lost his job and is facing eviction.
His old friend Stumpy calls to check on him.
Stumpy is an eccentric former petty criminal who now survives by faking illnesses, officially classified as disabled and receiving state disability benefits. One of his specialities is simulating cardiac arrest.
Stumpy advises Matt, who has led an impeccable and law-abiding life so far, to also become a welfare cheat and exploit the system. However, Matt doesn’t want to stoop so low.
Matt begs Stumpy for money, but Stumpy has none himself, having invested everything in his electronics hobby.
No sooner has Matt hung up than the phone rings again.
This time it’s Briggs, whom Matt calls Uncle Briggs, though they are not biologically related. Briggs is a former colleague of Matt’s father.
Briggs was a kind of father figure to Matt as a teenager because Matt’s father was frequently in prison. Briggs and Matt’s father were once part of a gang and were petty criminals.
Matt never wanted to lead a life like his father’s, but his current financial circumstances are making him doubt his decision. Briggs hasn’t contacted Matt in a long time because he’s on the run.
Briggs has something important to tell Matt, or rather, something to offer him. But not over the phone. Briggs is afraid someone might be listening.
Briggs suggests their old meeting place, where they used to have their regular gatherings. He wants Matt to come immediately. Briggs is waiting there in the back room.
Matt uses his brain and thinks. He remembers „The Limpin‘ Yeti“ pub.
Matt goes to the TV and turns it on. On MBTV, TV star Todd Renegade reports in the news about a Jason Briggs wanted by Scotland Yard.
There has been a series of burglaries at betting shops, and Uncle Briggs was seen on a surveillance camera. Briggs‘ face, due to his criminal past, is unfortunately stored in the Scotland Yard database and was recognized.
Matt wants to head to „The Limpin‘ Yeti“ pub, but the apartment door is locked.
Matt searches for the apartment key and looks at the back of the couch. He lifts it and finds the key underneath.
Matt glances at the stack of papers and finds an old photo of himself, Uncle Briggs, and his father underneath.
Matt goes to the sink and takes the half-full bottle of Scotch.
Before leaving, he takes the mailbox key from beside the door.
Matt unlocks the apartment door with the apartment key and enters the hallway.
The hallway is dark.
Matt walks to the light switch and turns on the light. All the way to the right in the hallway, the lamp has burned out, leaving it dark. On the floor lies a barely visible red bottle cap. Matt picks it up.
Matt opens the front door and steps into Maedow Court.
Maedow Court
Matt first goes to the left and finds a half-rotten sausage under a trash can.
Matt moves the trash can aside and picks up the sausage.
Then Matt goes to the right and encounters a homeless man.
Matt speaks to the homeless man.
The homeless man’s name is Brandon, and he speaks in riddles. Brandon knows the „magic number.“ Whoever brings him his stolen „treasure“ will be rewarded.
Matt looks at the radio and wants to take it, but Brandon says it belongs to him.
Matt offers Brandon the half-empty bottle of Scotch in exchange for the radio, but Brandon refuses.
Matt then goes left to „The Limpin‘ Yeti“ pub and enters it.
Limpin‘ Yeti
At the pub, Matt speaks to the bartender, who turns out to be a substitute and has only been working there for a short time. The bartender is busy but promises to assist Matt shortly.
In the meantime, Matt examines the broken barstool and the tuna head mounted on the wall.
Matt approaches the bartender again and says he wants to speak with Briggs. He claims to be a friend of Briggs, but the bartender pretends not to know him.
Matt remains persistent and asks about Briggs again. The bartender starts stammering and demands proof that Matt knows Briggs.
Matt shows the bartender a photo of himself and Briggs, proving their connection.
The bartender explains that Briggs instructed him to deny knowing him to outsiders. Following this, the bartender removes the barrier and grants access to the back area of the pub.
Matt knocks on the backroom door labeled „Private.“ After a moment, Briggs unlocks the door and steps into the pub’s main room.
Matt speaks with Briggs. Briggs explains that during a break-in at a betting shop, he was careless and not masked, resulting in his capture on surveillance camera. The police identified him, and he’s now wanted. He’s hiding in the back room of the Limpin‘ Yeti Pub, as he knows the pub’s owner.
Briggs tells Matt he wants to pull off one last big break-in and needs Matt’s help. He’s received a tip about the world-famous Arctic Star brilliant, worth a million pounds, stored in the secure safe deposit box vault of Trustman Bank.
Briggs claims he can crack the safe deposit boxes and already has a buyer for the brilliant. Matt has several questions, which Briggs answers. The buyer is an eccentric Japanese billionaire who is financing the operation and has already given Briggs an advance through a Japanese intermediary, Yoshida Toshiki.
Briggs explains that time is of the essence, as the Japanese billionaire wants the brilliant quickly. He might lose interest and refuse to buy it if they delay. The problem is that no fence other than the billionaire would take such hot merchandise.
Briggs mentions that during the break-in, if they have time in the safe deposit vault, they could break into other boxes for additional loot.
Briggs offers Matt a 50:50 split. Matt agrees to the plan.
Briggs tells Matt that they need two things for the break-in: the bank’s architectural blueprint and the bank’s security measures document. The blueprint is located in the district administration building. Matt is tasked with obtaining it during business hours, as attempting it at night would be too dangerous due to the extensive alarm systems.
Briggs further explains that the security measures document is located somewhere inside the bank itself. This document details the exact locations of the alarm systems, including cameras, and is therefore crucial for the operation. Matt is instructed to discreetly scout the bank and find out where this document is kept.
Finally, Matt is to take photos of both the bank construction plan and the security measures document and bring them to Briggs.
Briggs provides Matt with a professional instant camera that produces larger and higher-resolution images than a standard instant camera.
Briggs also gives Matt a brand-new, wiretap-proof mobile phone so that Matt can contact him at any time.
Briggs retreats to the back room to sleep. Later, he plans to raise more funds for the operation, as he has already spent the advance payment.
Matt reads an old newspaper from last year that Briggs gave him. From it, Matt learns that an anonymous bidder purchased the Arctic Star brilliant at an auction. Apparently, this buyer has deposited the brilliant in a safe deposit box at Trustman Bank.
Matt goes to the toilet.
Limpin‘ Yeti – Toilet
Matt discovers a roll of double-sided tape at the sink and picks it up.
He notices an electric hand dryer and tries it out.
Matt spots a drain and examines it more closely, noticing something deeper down inside the drain shaft.
He inspects the object further and tries to retrieve it, but it is too far down, and Matt’s arm cannot fit through the narrow grates.
For now, Matt gives up, leaves the toilet, and returns to the pub’s main room.
Limpin‘ Yeti
Before leaving the Limpin‘ Yeti, Matt grabs the cognac bottle sitting on a barrel and takes the menu from the counter.
Then Matt exits the Limpin‘ Yeti pub.
Maedow Court
As soon as Matt steps outside and is about to head right towards the Underground, Briggs rings him.
Briggs informs Matt that his old nemesis, Inspector Rex Eckart from Scotland Yard, is hot on his heels. Briggs and Eckart share a history. Years ago, Briggs cost Eckart a promotion when he broke into the police evidence room and made a piece of evidence Eckart had against him disappear. Since then, Eckart has been seeking revenge.
Matt uses his brain and ponders. He must obtain the bank construction plan, as well as the document detailing the security measures.
Matt is free to decide what to obtain first. He chooses to focus on the bank construction plan.
Matt heads left towards the dustbin.
He notices an old, rotten sausage under the dustbin.
Matt moves the bin aside and picks up the sausage, perhaps it might come in handy later.
He continues left until he reaches a large rubbish container.
Matt opens the container but finds it empty. Perhaps something useful will turn up there later.
Matt then heads right to the Underground station and takes a train to Heretic Street.
Heretic Street
Matt plans to enter the district administration building, but if he wants to obtain the bank blueprint, he knows it’s better to disguise himself. This way, he won’t be easily identified later if someone recalls seeing him during the investigation.
Matt needs a disguise.
An aggressive Rottweiler blocks his path. Matt observes the dog.
Behind the Rottweiler, Matt spots a tuft of hair on the pavement.
Matt takes out the sausage and interacts with the dog, throwing the sausage in a wide arc behind it.
The dog runs off, clearing the way to the tuft of hair.
Matt picks up the tuft of hair.
Using the double-sided tape and the tuft of hair, Matt crafts a fake beard—a decent disguise.
Matt tries on the fake beard and feels like an Italian.
Unfortunately, the fake beard is itchy, so Matt removes it. He decides he’ll only wear it when necessary.
Borough Council – Entrance Hall
Matt stands in front of the entrance to the district administration building and sticks on his fake beard.
Matt enters the district administration building.
He spots a permanent marker on the floor and picks it up.
Matt knocks on door number 1 and waits for a „Come in.“
Borough Council – Office
Matt opens the door and enters the office of the Borough Council building.
He speaks with the secretary, posing as a writer and using one of his two alter egos, Diego Piano or Ashley Wrigglesworth.
Matt suspects the bank blueprint is in the archives. He requests access, but the secretary informs him he must fill out form 2334-AA.
Matt takes a 2334-AA form from the stand, but he can’t fill it out with the thick permanent marker. It doesn’t matter though, as the processing time for a submitted form takes several weeks.
Matt goes to the notice board and reads the posted messages.
He learns that a super glue has been returned to a secret location and reads the emergency procedures. In case of an emergency, all staff must evacuate the building as quickly as possible through the side entrance. Good to know.
Matt finds a lighter on the small table and takes it.
He notices a magnetic card reader next to the door to the archives.
Under the watchful eye of the secretary, Matt can’t do anything else, so he leaves the office and then the building.
Heretic Street
Matt discovers several piles of leaves in front of the building. All are wet, except for one pile under the porch roof, which is half-damp.
Matt picks up the half-damp leaves and pockets them.
Matt discovers a small dry spot under the porch roof to the right of the entrance.
Matt notices a smoke detector directly above the dry spot.
Matt places the half-damp leaves on the dry spot.
Matt tries to ignite the half-damp leaves with the lighter, but they don’t burn.
Matt pours a little whiskey or cognac on the leaves as an accelerant and lights the pile of leaves with the lighter, but unfortunately it still doesn’t burn.
Matt needs a better accelerant.
Matt takes the underground back to Meadow Court.
Alternative: Matt dries the half-damp leaves using the hand dryer in the bathroom. He can now ignite the dry leaves without an accelerant.
Raju’s Strange Things
Matt enters Raju’s Strange Things shop.
Matt has a chat with Raju and learns some fascinating things about him and the shop.
Matt browses around the shop.
On the left-hand side of a shelf, Matt spots a bottle of methylated spirits. He wants to take it, but it costs £5, which Matt doesn’t have.
Matt talks to Raju again. Raju says he’ll give Matt the methylated spirits for free if he tells him a joke.
Matt leaves the shop, heads to the tube station, and takes the Underground to Whitehorn Street.
Whitehorn Street
Matt finds an almost empty apple juice carton on the pavement and picks it up.
Matt looks at the bank building and notices the founding year written in Latin numerals MDCCCLXVII (1867) above the entrance portal.
Matt continues to the right and discovers a red joke graffiti on a building. Matt reads the cow joke and laughs.
Matt takes the tube back to Meadow Court and goes directly to Raju’s shop.
Raju’s Strange Things
Matt tells Raju the cow joke, and Raju laughs.
Raju gives Matt the methylated spirits for free, and Matt takes it.
Matt leaves the shop, returns to the tube station, and heads to Heretic Street.
Heretic Street
Matt pours the methylated spirits onto the pile of leaves under the porch roof.
Matt lights the pile of leaves with the lighter.
The fire alarm goes off, and Matt hears the staff evacuating the building through the emergency exit.
As a precaution, Matt sticks on his fake beard, enters the district council building, and heads to the office.
Borough Council – Office
Matt enters the office and takes the small key from the tray on the desk.
Matt goes to the filing cabinet.
He unlocks the third drawer from the top on the left-hand side, looks inside, finds a magnetic card, and takes it.
He then unlocks the second drawer from the top on the right-hand side, looks inside, finds superglue, and takes it.
Matt proceeds to the door leading to the archive.
He uses the magnetic card on the card reader.
Matt enters the archive.
Borough Council – Archive
Matt uses the light switch, but the light doesn’t come on.
Matt continues to the middle of the room and discovers another light switch in the dark.
Matt flips the light switch, and the light turns on.
Matt discovers two information boards explaining Roman numerals.
Matt now knows that MDCCCLXVII on the bank building means the year 1867.
Matt goes to the penultimate shelf and looks at the shelf section for 1866 – 1870.
Matt finds the bank construction plan and takes it.
Matt goes to the small side table at the archive entrance and places the construction plan there.
Matt takes photos of the bank construction plan.
Matt takes the bank construction plan and returns to the penultimate shelf, putting it back on the shelf.
Matt turns off the light and leaves the archive.
Matt uses the magnetic card and locks the archive door.
Matt goes to the filing cabinet.
Matt opens the third drawer from the top on the left side, puts the magnetic card back, and closes the drawer again.
Matt puts the small key back on the tray on the desk.
As a precaution, Matt closes all open drawers, leaves the district council building, goes to the tube station, and takes the Underground to Whitehorn Street.
Whitehorn Street
Matt stands in front of the bank entrance, sticks on his fake beard, and enters the bank.
Trustman Bank – Entrance Hall
Matt speaks with the security guard and asks him, among other things, how secure the bank is, as he wants to invest money.
The guard tells Matt to ask the bank teller at the counter.
Matt goes to the right to the bank counter and speaks with the teller, who sends him back to the guard.
Matt speaks to the guard again.
The guard tells Matt to call the director if he wants to know more about the bank’s security.
The guard tells Matt that he doesn’t know the director’s phone number and suggests asking the bank teller.
Matt speaks to the bank teller again and learns the director’s phone number from him.
Matt leaves the bank because the phone reception inside is poor.
Whitehorn Street
Matt calls the director on his mobile phone.
Matt gives a fake name and pretends to want to store art objects in the bank.
Matt secures an appointment with the director.
Matt sticks on his fake beard and re-enters the bank.
Trustman Bank – Entrance Hall
Matt approaches the security guard and says he has an appointment with the director.
The guard grants Matt access and unlocks the door to the director’s office.
Matt enters the director’s office.
Trustman Bank – Director’s Office
Matt speaks with the director, posing as an art dealer who wants to store artworks in the bank.
Matt inquires about safe deposit boxes and security measures, explaining that he wants to ensure his artworks are secure.
The talkative bank director reveals to Matt that he keeps the security measures document directly in the office in a safe.
Matt leaves the office.
Trustman Bank – Entrance Hall
Matt speaks to the guard again and chats about the fingerprint scanner at the office entrance.
Matt learns that the director also has a fingerprint scanner on his safe in the office.
The guard jokes that one would need the director’s finger to open it. This gives Matt an idea.
Matt examines the defibrillator.
Matt speaks to the guard again and learns that he is the first aid officer.
Matt takes the hammer from the poster stand.
Matt finds a 1-pound coin lying on the floor to the far left and picks it up.
Matt talks to the old lady in front of the closed bank counter.
Matt sees a bolt cutter lying next to a toolbox on the floor in the right area.
Matt can’t steal the bolt cutter because he’s being watched by the bank teller.
Matt speaks to the bank teller.
Matt asks if he’s bored and if he can take breaks. The teller says he can only take a break if another counter is open.
Matt lies and says that the counter where the old lady is waiting is open.
Under these circumstances, the bank teller goes on a short break.
Matt seizes the opportunity and takes the bolt cutter.
Matt leaves the bank, goes to the tube station, and returns to Meadow Court.
Meadow Court
Matt calls Briggs and tells him about the security measures document that’s in a safe with a fingerprint scanner, and asks Briggs if he has any advice.
Briggs recommends that Matt use his modem to dial into a Bulletin Board System (BBS) called SNN, the Silent Nobbler Net, from his PC.
Briggs says that users on this message board exchange information about not-quite-legal things related to new technologies, including fingerprint scanners.
Briggs mentions that it’s possible to fool the fingerprint scanner using an artificial fingertip made of wood glue.
Matt goes to his apartment.
Flat – Matt’s Apartment
Matt turns on the PC and dials into the SNN.
Matt finds the post about the artificial fingertip in the SNN, prints it out, reads through the instructions, and notes the items he needs to obtain.
Matt calls the bank director again, pretends to want to rent safe deposit boxes, and makes an appointment.
Matt calls Stumpy and asks him about a photosensitive circuit board. Stumpy agrees to send him one by post.
Matt asks Stumpy about other things he needs for the artificial fingertip. Stumpy recommends Matt check out the Strange Things shop.
Matt leaves the apartment and goes to Strange Things.
Raju’s Strange Things
Matt asks Raju for a photo developer, but it costs £5, which Matt doesn’t have.
Raju makes Matt an offer: if he tells him when the Nahongmar Circus will be in town, Matt can have the photo developer for free.
Matt asks Raju for iron(III) chloride. That also costs £5, which Matt doesn’t have.
Raju makes another offer: if Matt brings him the contact information of a private detective, he will give him the iron(III) chloride for free.
Matt asks Raju for graphite spray, which costs £1.
Matt gives Raju the £1 coin he found in the bank and is allowed to take the graphite spray from the right-hand shelf.
Alternative: Matt can do Raju a favor. Raju wants to know the conditions for overdraft accounts. If Matt finds out, he’ll give him the graphite spray for free. Matt goes to the bank and speaks with the bank teller. He learns that the overdraft interest rate is 11% p.a.
Matt leaves the shop.
Meadow Court
Matt goes to Brandon, the homeless man.
Matt pours the apple juice into the whiskey bottle and offers the 3/4 full bottle to Brandon in exchange for the radio, but Brandon refuses.
Matt pours the cognac into the whiskey bottle and gives the now full bottle to Brandon in exchange for the radio. Brandon agrees.
Matt takes the radio.
Alternatively: Matt gives Brandon the £1 coin and learns about the treasure Brandon always talks about. It turns out to be his old hip flask. If Matt brings Brandon his old hip flask back, he will reward him with a magic number.
Matt walks all the way to the left to the dumpster and opens it.
Matt finds a portable UV lamp and takes it.
Matt tests the portable UV lamp, but it’s missing batteries.
Matt opens the radio and removes the batteries.
Matt puts the batteries in the UV lamp and tests it out.
Matt goes to the Limpin‘ Yeti Pub.
Limpin‘ Yeti
Matt talks to the old men to rile them up.
Matt speaks to the left old bastard and claims that the other one calls him a tuna head. The left bastard is angry.
Matt speaks again to the left old bastard and claims that the other one calls him a farter. The left bastard is shaking with rage.
Matt talks to the right old bastard and claims that the other one calls him a dickhead. The right bastard is angry.
Matt speaks again to the right old bastard and claims that the other one calls him a bed-wetter. The right bastard is shaking with rage.
Matt ends the conversation and the two bastards start arguing.
The bartender intervenes and is thus distracted.
Matt seizes the opportunity and takes the white wood glue bottle, which is on the lower right side of the bottle rack behind the counter.
Matt goes to the Limpin‘ Yeti toilet.
Limpin’ Yeti – Toilet
Matt talks to the man in the stall.
The man on the toilet is in distress and needs toilet paper and a plunger.
Matt goes to the locker.
Matt cuts the padlock with the bolt cutter.
Matt opens the locker and takes the toilet paper and the plunger.
Matt gives both items to the man in the stall. It turns out he is a private detective, and he gives Matt his business card.
Matt picks up the business card from the floor.
Matt leaves the Limpin’ Yeti, goes to the tube station, and travels to Whitehorn Street.
Whitehorn Street
Matt sticks on his fake beard and goes directly into the bank.
Trustman Bank – Entrance Hall
Matt speaks to the old lady and asks her about the circus.
The old lady tells Matt that the circus will be in town from November 15th to November 22nd.
Matt speaks to the guard and says he has an appointment with the director.
The guard uses the fingerprint scanner, which unlocks the door to the director’s office.
Matt enters the office.
Trustman Bank – Director’s Office
Matt goes to the curtain, opens it, and looks out into the courtyard.
Matt speaks with the director.
Matt mentions a busty gardener, but the director is not interested.
Matt mentions a muscular gardener, but the director is not interested.
Matt mentions a large rake, and the director becomes interested and goes to the window.
Matt takes the coffee mug from the desk.
Matt leaves the office and the bank, goes to the tube station, and travels back to Meadow Court, heading directly to Raju’s Strange Things.
Raju’s Strange Things
Matt gives Raju the private detective’s business card and receives iron(III) chloride in return.
Matt tells Raju when the Nahongmar Circus will be in town and receives the photo developer in return.
Matt leaves the shop.
Meadow Court
Matt goes to the mailbox and uses the mailbox key to unlock box number 5.
Matt takes out the letter from Stumpy.
Matt opens the letter and receives the photosensitive circuit board.
Matt smashes the cognac bottle with the hammer and collects glass shards.
Using the glass shards, Matt cuts open the menu card and obtains a transparent film.
Matt goes to his apartment.
Flat – Matt’s Apartment
Matt pours the superglue into the red bottle cap.
Matt follows the steps in the printed instructions for making an artificial fingertip.
Matt holds the red bottle cap with superglue against the coffee mug.
The superglue fumes settle on the fatty residues of the director’s fingerprint on the coffee mug.
Matt takes a photo of the fingerprint on the coffee mug with the instant camera.
Matt turns on the PC, scans the fingerprint with the scanner next to the PC, and inverts the scanned fingerprint using a graphics program.
Matt inserts the transparency film into the printer.
Matt uses the PC and prints the fingerprint on the transparency film.
Matt takes the transparency film with the printed fingerprint.
Matt turns off the PC.
Matt lowers the blinds and darkens the room.
Matt applies the transparency film to the photosensitive circuit board.
Matt fixes the transparency film to the circuit board with double-sided tape.
Matt exposes the circuit board with the UV lamp.
Matt obtains an exposed circuit board.
Matt opens the blinds.
Matt pours the photo developer into one of the two trays on the kitchen counter.
Matt pours the iron(III) chloride into the other tray.
Matt places the exposed circuit board in the tray with the photo developer.
Matt removes the developed circuit board from the tray.
Matt places the developed circuit board in the tray with the iron(III) chloride.
Matt removes the etched circuit board from the tray.
Matt sprays graphite spray on the circuit board.
Matt applies wood glue to the circuit board.
Matt peels off the wood glue from the circuit board, succeeding on the third attempt as it wasn’t dry enough before.
Matt now has an artificial fingerprint of the director.
Matt turns on the PC, logs into the SNN, and prints out instructions for making an electromagnet.
Matt leaves the apartment and goes back to Meadow Court.
Meadow Court
Matt calls Stumpy and arranges a meeting in Whitehorn Street.
Matt goes to the tube station and travels to Whitehorn Street.
Whitehorn Street
Matt speaks with Stumpy.
Stumpy is instructed to go into the bank and simulate a cardiac arrest.
Stumpy enters the bank, and Matt follows him.
Matt sticks on his fake beard and enters the bank.
Trustman Bank – Entrance Hall
While the guard is administering electric shocks to Stumpy, Matt approaches the director’s office door and reads the note on it.
Matt takes the artificial fingertip and holds it to the fingerprint scanner.
After the fingerprint scanner turns green, Matt enters the office.
Trustman Bank – Director’s Office
Matt goes to the right, to the picture of the woman with the large wart, and examines it closely.
Matt presses the wart, and the picture on the left slides down, revealing the safe.
Before going to the safe, Matt takes the note lying on the right side of the cabinet.
Matt uses the artificial fingertip on the safe, and it opens.
Matt removes the ring binder from the safe and places it on the desk.
Matt takes photos of the security measures document contained in the ring binder.
Matt takes the ring binder and puts it back in the safe, then closes the safe.
Matt presses the wart on the picture again and leaves the office and the bank.
Whitehorn Street
Matt and Stumpy go back to the tube station and talk.
Matt thanks Stumpy, who then goes on his way.
Matt goes to the tube station and travels to Meadow Court.
At the police station, Detective Chief Inspector Eckart is informed by Inspector Hall about the break-in at the Borough Council. According to the secretary’s witness statement, a suspicious individual was in the office.
This reminds Eckart of another case from years ago where building plans were stolen as part of a burglary plan. He suspects something similar in this case.
Eckart suspects Briggs is behind this and begins his investigation.
Eckart sends a police officer to guard the Borough Council building.
Alternative: If Matt hasn’t photographed the building plans in the Borough Council’s archive at this point, he can’t get in because the police officer is standing in front. In this case, Matt must convince him in a conversation that he’s a special investigator sent by Eckart and has instructions to send the police officer away. The naive police officer then leaves.
Maedow Court
Matt calls Briggs and informs him that he has photos of all the required documents.
Matt enters the Limpin‘ Yeti
Limpin‘ Yeti
Matt approaches the back room door, knocks, and Briggs lets Matt into the back room.
Briggs‘ Back Room
Matt speaks with Briggs and gives him the photos.
Matt is tired, lies down on the folding bed, sleeps for a few hours, and then wakes up.
Matt goes to Briggs, who has drawn plans in the meantime, and talks to him.
Briggs starts the briefing and explains to Matt that the Arctic Star is in the well-guarded safe deposit box room of the bank.
There are three alarm systems: pink, orange, and red. Each consists of video cameras, vibration sensors, and motion detectors, and has its own control panel.
All control panels are on the first floor in the alarm room.
Briggs interrupts the briefing, and Matt looks at the plans on the pinboard.
Matt speaks to Briggs again, and he continues with the briefing.
Due to the unhackable red alarm system, it’s impossible to go through the bank hall to the safe deposit box room in the basement during the day.
The only chance is to come through a tunnel at night to the outside of the safe deposit box room and blow up the outer wall.
Guy Fawkes Night on November 5th is ideal due to the planned large fireworks display. An explosion wouldn’t be noticed amid the noise of exploding rockets.
However, they need a special explosive, as dynamite or TNT is too weak.
Briggs has an old friend named Paulinka who can procure the special explosive.
Briggs interrupts the briefing, and Matt looks at the plans again to gain a better understanding.
Matt speaks to Briggs again, and he continues the briefing.
To prevent the explosion from triggering the orange alarm in the safe deposit box room, it must be turned off or hacked at the orange control panel in the alarm room on the first floor.
Due to the unhackable red alarm system, one can’t get to the alarm room on the first floor through the bank hall.
The only chance to reach the alarm room is through the window.
The window can only be reached by rappelling from the roof.
However, the windows are secured with the pink alarm system, whose control panel is also in the alarm room.
The only way to get into the alarm room is through a ventilation shaft from the roof. For this, they need someone small.
This small person can then turn off the pink alarm system at the pink control panel using the code from the security measures document.
Once that’s done, a hacker can rappel from the roof, enter through the now unsecured window, and hack the orange alarm system.
Briggs interrupts the briefing and looks at the photos more closely.
Matt discovers an old faded comment. There’s a bricked-up sewer canal right next to the bank’s basement where the safe deposit box room is located.
Briggs wants Matt to get photos of the sewer plan, which is in the archives at the Sewage Authority.
Matt asks Briggs again about all the details of the break-in plan.
Matt leaves Briggs‘ back room, goes to the underground station, and travels to Hagenhill Street.
Hagenhill Street
Matt walks all the way to the left on Hagenhill Street, finds a broken clothes hook lying on the street, and picks it up.
Matt examines the clothes hook and notices that it’s made of plastic and could be bent.
Matt goes to the entrance of the Sewage Authority, sticks on the fake beard, and enters the building.
Sewage Authority – Entrance Hall
Alternative: If Matt didn’t take the 1-pound coin in the bank, he can get one here by hitting the tobacco vending machine.
Matt goes to the ticket machine and presses the button.
Matt takes the ticket with number 2 and enters the office.
Sewage Authority – Office
The clerk demands ticket No. 2, and Matt hands it over.
Matt asks the clerk if he can enter the archive.
The clerk says that’s not possible, but requests are processed within five weeks.
Matt’s question about an „easier“ way is not answered by the clerk.
Matt wants to ask the clerk another question, but the clerk demands a new ticket.
Matt returns to the entrance hall.
Sewage Authority – Entrance Hall
Matt presses the button on the ticket machine again, takes ticket No. 3, and re-enters the office.
Sewage Authority – Office
Matt gives the clerk ticket No. 3.
Matt asks the clerk if there’s no other way to gain access to the archive.
The clerk says he will consider the possibility of „facilitated access“.
Matt must leave the office; the Sewage Authority regulations require it.
Matt returns to the entrance hall.
Sewage Authority – Entrance Hall
Matt presses the button on the ticket machine again, takes ticket No. 4, and re-enters the office.
Sewage Authority – Office
Matt gives the clerk ticket No. 4.
Matt asks the clerk if he has thought about the Sewage Authority regulations.
The clerk hints that he could be bribed with a special chewing tobacco and would look away if someone were to enter the archive.
Matt leaves the Sewage Authority, goes to the Tube station, and travels to Maedow Court.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to the Limpin‘ Yeti and directly to the toilet.
Limpin‘ Yeti – Toilet
Matt takes the plastic clothes hanger and uses it with the electric hand dryer.
Matt shapes the softened plastic clothes hanger into a long plastic rod with a barb.
Matt uses the double-sided tape with the long plastic rod.
Matt uses the now sticky plastic rod to fish the unknown object out of the drain. It’s an old English shilling coin.
Matt leaves the toilet and re-enters the bar area.
Limpin‘ Yeti
Matt throws the old English shilling coin into the tobacco vending machine, which spits out an old chewing tobacco.
Matt takes the old chewing tobacco and leaves the Limpin‘ Yeti pub.
Matt goes to the Tube station and travels to Hagenhill Street.
Hagenhill Street
Matt goes to the entrance of the Sewage Authority, puts on the fake beard, and enters the building.
Sewage Authority – Entrance Hall
Matt goes to the ticket machine and presses the button.
Matt takes the empty ticket that comes out of the machine and writes a 5 on the empty ticket with the permanent marker.
Matt enters the office.
Sewage Authority – Office
Matt gives the clerk the old chewing tobacco, and the clerk is now willing to look away when Matt enters the archive.
Matt opens the door to the archive and enters it.
Sewage Authority – Archive
Matt operates the light switch right next to the door and looks at the information board.
Matt learns that he must search for the sewer plan in Shelf IV, which contains plans of the financial and inner districts.
Matt discovers the needed sewer plan on Shelf IV on shelf level 1, which is located in the upper left.
Since Matt can’t reach the plan by hand, he uses the plastic rod with the double-sided tape.
Matt picks up the fallen tube containing the plan and places the plan on the side table near the entrance.
Matt photographs the plan with the instant camera and gets a photo, then takes the plan back.
Matt goes back to the shelf and throws the plan back onto the correct shelf level.
Matt leaves the Sewage Authority, goes to the Tube station, and travels to Maedow Court.
Superintendent Morgan, Eckart’s superior, calls him in and admonishes him to cease the investigations against Briggs, believing that Eckart has become obsessed with Briggs.
There is no evidence against Briggs except for vague suspicions, and Eckart is wasting time and resources searching for Briggs instead of focusing on the Russian Mafia and specifically the boss Popov, as Morgan had ordered.
Morgan warns Eckart that if he doesn’t follow this directive, it will have consequences for his potential promotion.
Maedow Court
Matt arrives at Maedow Court, goes directly to the Limpin‘ Yeti, knocks on the back room door, and Briggs lets him in.
Briggs‘ Back Room
After Briggs asks Matt about the news, Matt gives him the photo of the sewer plan.
Briggs discovers on the sewer plan that a sewage tunnel runs directly next to the bank’s safe deposit room.
Briggs draws the sewer canal onto his plan hanging on the pinboard.
The sewer canal is old and has been filled in on both sides, making it inaccessible. However, they could dig a short tunnel from the underground parking garage of the neighbouring building directly into the sewer canal.
Matt looks at the plan on the pinboard, then speaks with Briggs, who continues the briefing.
Briggs wants to rent a parking space in the underground garage near the sewer canal.
Briggs explains that they need a team of specialists for the heist.
Briggs says they need three team members: an alarm system specialist or hacker, an explosives and tunnel expert, and a financier or fence. They need the fence for any other items they might steal besides the Arctic Star brilliant.
Briggs reveals that he has already spent the entire advance from the Japanese millionaire and needs more money for the heist. If Briggs doesn’t get the Arctic Star soon or return the advance, the Japanese millionaire will become unpleasant and set the Yakuza on him.
Briggs tells Matt to recruit the three needed team members and convince them to join.
Matt should meet Paulinka in her workshop and convince her. She is a potential financier and fence.
Matt should meet Krustofferson in Paulinka’s workshop and convince him. He is Paulinka’s mechanic and an explosives and tunnel expert.
Matt should meet Barney Sackrider, an alarm system specialist, and convince him. The problem is, Briggs doesn’t know where he is.
Briggs offers each of them 10,000 pounds as a fixed amount if they steal the Arctic Star, as well as a percentage of the remaining loot.
Matt leaves the back room and then the Limpin‘ Yeti.
Maedow Court
Matt goes left to Paulinka’s garage, knocks on the door, and says he’s from Briggs.
Paulinka opens the door and lets Matt in.
Paulinka’s Garage
Paulinka tells Matt that she’s willing to participate, but only if Matt proves his skills.
Paulinka inherited a hood ornament from her great-uncle, which she’d like to have. The problem is that this hood ornament is in a safe in the Limpin‘ Yeti basement.
The great-uncle was a puzzle fan and left her a note that represents the safe combination in the form of a mathematical puzzle. If Matt solves the puzzle and brings Paulinka the hood ornament, she’s in.
Matt goes right to Krustofferson and talks to him.
Krustofferson only wants to work with people he likes and trusts.
Matt should do Krustofferson a favor.
Matt should bring Krustofferson a sunblock because the old one is empty. It must be the same sunblock, i.e., with a milky and oily consistency.
Matt goes right and takes the empty sunblock bottle from the tool cart, as well as the 2-pound coin from the floor.
Matt discovers a shelf on the left in the workshop with a motor oil bottle on it. Paulinka objects to Matt taking it.
Matt discovers an old, makeshift fuse box and a patched water pipe above it.
Matt opens the knotted patches on the water pipe.
Matt discovers a movable tire rack, pushes it away, and finds a valve wheel.
Matt wants to open the valve, but unfortunately, the valve wheel is stuck.
Matt sprays the graphite spray on the valve wheel, which serves as a lubricant.
Alternatively: Matt finds the two-pound coin in the garage, goes to the Sewage Authority with it, and buys an energy drink. With the power of the energy drink, he can open the valve.
Matt turns the valve wheel again and opens the valve.
Water shoots out of the hole in the water pipe and flows directly onto the fuse box. There’s a short circuit and the power goes out. Paulinka interrupts her work and goes to the fuse box; she’s now distracted.
Matt goes to the shelf and takes the motor oil bottle.
Matt leaves Paulinka’s garage.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to the homeless man Brandon and shows him the number puzzle.
Brandon says that the solution to the first puzzle is either 37, 43, or 47.
Matt enters the Limpin‘ Yeti.
Limpin‘ Yeti
Matt talks to the bartender and asks for milk.
The bartender gives Matt a carton of milk.
Matt fills the motor oil and milk into the empty sunblock bottle.
Matt shows the bartender the paper with the number puzzles. He can only solve the first one. He believes the solution is either 31, 37, or 41.
Matt goes to the right into the dark area of the pub and talks to the cowboy.
Matt asks the cowboy about Barney Sackrider. The cowboy replies that he now goes by the name Barney Dankwrath.
Matt leaves the Limpin‘ Yeti.
Maedow Court
Matt asks the homeless man Brandon about Barney Dankwrath.
Brandon answers in riddles as always. He doesn’t know where he lives, but says that Dankwrath only talks to someone when the nut lover sees the carnivore’s back.
Matt goes to the underground station and travels to Heretic Street.
Heretic Street
Matt goes to the district administration, puts on the beard, and deflects any policeman who might still be standing in front of it in a conversation by claiming he is a special investigator commissioned by Eckart.
Matt enters the building.
Borough Council – Entrance Hall
Matt takes the 2-pound coin and throws it into the Ultra-Power-1337 vending machine.
The machine dispenses an energy drink can and Matt takes the energy drink can.
Matt leaves the district administration, goes to the underground station, and travels to Maedow Court.
Maedow Court – The Number Puzzle
Matt looks at the paper with the puzzles.
Matt examines the first number puzzle. It’s a sequence of numbers that seems to consist of prime numbers, where every next prime number is skipped. The first prime number is 1, which is not shown, the next would be 3, which is shown, the next would be 5, which is not shown, the next is 7, which is shown, and so on. The last number in the sequence is 29, the next prime number would be 31, which is not shown, the next prime number is 37, which is the solution to the puzzle.
Matt looks at the second number puzzle. It’s a sequence of numbers. The next number is always formed by alternating mathematical operations of subtraction, multiplication, and division of the previous one, starting from 1 and always counting up by 1. After three operations, it starts again with subtraction, but now starting with 2, after another three operations, it starts with 3. To form the next number, the following operations take place: -1, x2, ÷3, -2, x3, ÷4, -3, x4. The last number in the sequence is 3, which is multiplied by 4, so the solution is 12.
Matt examines the third number puzzle. It’s a sequence of numbers where a number is alternately added and then subtracted from the previous number, in this case +7 -6 +5 -4, where the added or subtracted number decreases by 1 each time. The next number is thus 11 +3 = 14.
Alternatively, Matt can show the paper to the bartender, Brandon the homeless man, Raju, Mr. Pitel the sewage clerk, and the bank guard. They all give valuable tips to solve the puzzles. The number combination for the safe is therefore 37-12-14.
Matt enters the Limpin‘ Yeti.
Limpin‘ Yeti
Matt opens the energy drink can, drinks it, and gets a power boost.
Matt opens the cellar door on the left in the Limpin‘ Yeti pub by pulling on it.
Limpin‘ Yeti – Cellar
As soon as Matt enters the cellar, he feels the power of the energy drink start to fade.
Matt turns on the light and goes down the stairs.
Matt examines the safe and realizes that he must press the S button, then enter the code, and finally press the E button.
Matt presses the buttons on the keypad in the following order: S, 3, 7, 1, 2, 1, 4, E.
Matt can now open the safe and takes the hood ornament from inside.
Matt leaves the cellar and exits the Limpin‘ Yeti.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to Paulinka’s garage and knocks on the door, Paulinka opens it.
Paulinka’s Garage
Matt gives Paulinka the hood ornament, thus Paulinka joins the team and accepts Briggs‘ conditions.
Matt gives Krustofferson the sunblock, thus Krustofferson joins the team and accepts Briggs‘ conditions.
Matt leaves Paulinka’s garage.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to the subway station and travels to Hagenhill Street.
Hagenhill Street
Matt goes all the way to the left to the residential building.
Matt discovers two cast iron figures on the fence, a cat (a carnivore) and a squirrel (a nut lover).
Matt turns both figures so they face left, making the herbivore see the carnivore’s back. This fulfills the condition for Barney to speak with someone.
Matt rings the doorbell at No. 5 Dankwrath and asks if he’s speaking to Barney Sackrider.
Barney talks to Matt, and Matt informs him that he should meet Briggs at the old meeting place.
After the conversation, Matt does Barney a favor and turns the figures back to their original position, facing forward.
Matt is tired and wants to go home to sleep.
Matt goes to the subway station, travels to Maedow Court, and enters the hallway of his apartment building.
Matt receives a call from Briggs and learns that the entire team is at Paulinka’s garage for the briefing.
Matt leaves the house.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to Paulinka’s garage, knocks on the door, and Briggs opens it.
The entire team consisting of Briggs, Krustofferson, Paulinka, and Barney is present. Briggs has already briefed everyone and summarizes the operation once more.
At the end, Briggs introduces Geronimo, the little monkey, to everyone. Geronimo is being trained and is supposed to enter the bank’s alarm room through the ventilation shaft and input the code for the pink alarm system to disable the window alarm.
Paulinka’s Garage
Briggs wants to speak with Matt, and Matt follows his request.
In case Briggs gets arrested, he gives Matt the number of the safe deposit box where the Arctic Star brilliant is kept. It’s safe deposit box number 2001.
Briggs continues, saying that he heard from an old friend, Elaine, that there are rumors about Inspector Eckart being a regular guest at an establishment run by the Russian mafia near the city park. A businesswoman is allegedly in possession of compromising, frivolous photos of Eckart.
The photos are also kept in a safe deposit box at the bank. These photos could be used to blackmail Eckart.
Matt is tired, leaves Paulinka’s garage, and goes directly home to his apartment.
CUTSCENE – Police Station 3
Detective Chief Inspector Eckart, despite Superintendent Morgan’s instructions, continues to investigate Briggs and questions Inspector Hall about new developments in the case. Eckart still suspects Briggs is planning a break-in in the near future.
Hall reports that someone in the city has purchased large quantities of a chemical used for a special explosive. Hall has researched Briggs‘ old gang and knows that the son of a former gang member also lives in the city – it’s Matt.
Eckart is now also looking for Matt.
Chief Inspector Eckart ambushes Matt in the dark hallway and informs him that he will be keeping an eye on him from now on.
Flat – Matt’s Apartment
Matt uses the couch to take a short nap.
Flat – Matt’s Apartment
Two weeks later, Matt is in the apartment when his phone rings. It’s Briggs, who wants Matt to come to the underground parking garage for the final briefing. The tunnel to the sewer is finished.
Matt leaves the apartment, goes to the underground station, and travels to Whitehorn Street.
Whitehorn Street
Matt goes to the right, turns into the side alley where the underground parking garage is located, and enters the underground parking garage.
Krustofferson greets Matt, leads him through the underground parking garage and then through the van into the tunnel and sewer.
Paulinka and Barney are already there, and Matt learns that Briggs has been arrested.
Everyone is shocked, but Matt says they will carry out the operation without Briggs.
Krustofferson needs Matt’s help in mixing the special explosive.
Matt goes left deeper into the sewer, finds an insulated coiled wire and takes it.
Matt finds an old rusty key. He doesn’t know what it unlocks at first. But in the Limpin‘ Yeti cellar, there’s a green locked wooden door where it might fit.
Matt goes right into the sewer, finds Krustofferson mixing the special explosive, and talks to Krustofferson.
Krustofferson has forgotten his measuring cup, which poses a problem because he needs exactly 4 liters of nitric acid. Krustofferson can’t leave and must keep stirring, as the compound is very unstable and must not harden prematurely.
Matt looks at the two canisters on the table. One contains nitric acid, the other hydrochloric acid.
Matt remembers that hydrochloric acid can corrode iron.
Matt leaves the sewer and enters the tunnel.
Matt discovers a rough, dark gray stone in the wall right next to the passage to the sewer.
Matt finds a protruding nail in the middle of the tunnel.
Matt pulls the nail out of the wooden board using the hammer.
Matt looks at the electromagnet printout again. He now has all the components.
Matt opens the UV lamp and removes the batteries.
Matt connects the wire to the nail, creating a wire-wrapped nail.
Matt connects the wire-wrapped nail to the batteries, creating an electromagnet.
Matt leaves the tunnel and goes to the underground parking garage.
Underground Parking Garage
Next to the parked red Mini, Matt discovers an old rusty iron pipe on the ceiling.
Matt finds that the trunk of the yellow car is not locked, opens the trunk, and removes a car jack with a missing lever.
Matt discovers a cabinet with bulletproof glass. Inside the cabinet, there’s a green metal canister at the top.
At the bottom of the cabinet, Matt notices a hole in the bulletproof glass.
Matt takes the hammer and enlarges the hole in the bulletproof glass.
Using the electromagnet, Matt can move the canister from top to bottom, directly in front of the hole.
Matt takes the green metal canister.
Matt can’t do anything else in the underground parking garage for now and leaves the area.
Whitehorn Street
Matt goes to the underground station and travels to the City Park.
City Park
Matt examines a pile of leaves to the left of a large gray stone near the beginning of the city park.
Matt pushes the leaves aside and discovers a yellow water pistol and takes it.
Matt continues along the path and takes the upper path at the fork.
Matt discovers hedge trimmers in the grass next to a tree and takes them.
Matt continues along the path until he comes to a bush with a telephoto lens sticking out.
Matt speaks to the telephoto lens, or rather the person behind it.
It turns out to be the private detective from the Limpin‘ Yeti toilet.
The private detective is observing the establishment across from the city park. When Matt asks if he was hired by a businesswoman to take new compromising photos of Eckart, the private detective starts to stutter, and when Matt threatens to beat him up, he confesses everything.
Matt learns from the private detective that the businesswoman has deposited compromising photos of Eckart in a safe deposit box number 6001 at Trustman Bank.
Matt continues along the path until he comes to a bush in front of a park bench.
The bush has a suspicious, somewhat bare spot in the dense undergrowth.
Matt wants to cut through the dense undergrowth with the hedge trimmers, but they are dull.
Matt goes back to the underground station and travels back to Whitehorn Street, then goes directly to the underground parking garage from there.
Underground Parking Garage
Matt goes to the back to the red van, opens the door, and enters the tunnel through the van.
Matt walks in the tunnel to the dark gray rough stone, which is located in the wall near the end of the tunnel.
Matt takes the dull hedge trimmers and sharpens them on the rough stone.
Matt goes into the sewer.
Matt goes to the right to the table with the canisters.
Matt goes to the orange canister with hydrochloric acid and fills the water pistol with it.
Matt leaves the sewer and goes back through the tunnel to the underground parking garage.
Underground Parking Garage
Matt takes the water pistol and sprays the hydrochloric acid on the rusty iron pipe on the ceiling next to the red Mini.
The hydrochloric acid works on the rusty iron, the pipe falls down, and Matt picks it up.
Matt attaches the iron pipe to the car jack.
Matt goes to the stuck green roller shutter and places the car jack underneath it.
Matt lifts the roller shutter with the car jack and takes the orange metal canister.
Matt leaves the underground parking garage, goes to the subway station, and travels back to the City Park.
City Park
Matt goes to the shrubbery next to the park bench, takes the now sharpened hedge trimmers, and cuts through the bare spot in the bushes.
Matt discovers a flask in the shrubbery and takes it.
Matt returns to the subway station in the City Park and travels to Maedow Court.
Maedow Court
Matt goes to Brandon the homeless man and gives him the flask.
Brandon is delighted that Matt has returned his long-lost flask, his treasure, and rewards Matt with a note containing the number 4002.
Matt goes to the subway station, travels back to Whitehorn Street, and enters the underground parking garage.
Underground Parking Garage
Matt goes to the red van, opens the door, and goes through the tunnel back to the sewer.
Sewer – The Four Liter Problem
Matt goes to the table with the two canisters.
Matt fills the green canister full of nitric acid. There are 5L in the green canister.
Matt fills the orange canister using the green canister. There are 3L in the orange and 2L in the green canister.
Matt empties the orange canister through the grate in the floor. There are 0L in the orange and 2L in the green canister.
Matt empties the 2L from the green canister into the orange canister. There are 2L in the orange and 0L in the green canister.
Matt fills the green canister with nitric acid again. There are now 5L in the green canister.
Matt fills the orange canister again using the green canister. There are 3L in the orange and 4L in the green canister.
Matt hands over the green canister with 4L of nitric acid to Krustofferson.
Paulinka is on the roof of the building next to the bank with Barney and Geronimo, and starts the break-in as planned. When the orange alarm system is deactivated and the fireworks begin, she calls Matt in the underground parking garage.
Matt and Krustofferson detonate the explosive charge, enter the tunnel, and go into the sewer.
When Matt and Krustofferson arrive in the sewer, the last wisps of smoke from the explosion are just dissipating.
Krustofferson gives Matt a battery-powered drill and transparent gloves.
Krustofferson goes ahead and Matt follows him through the hole in the wall into the safe deposit box room.
Safe Deposit Box Room
Matt takes the cordless drill and attempts to drill open safe deposit box No. 2001, where the Arctic Star Diamond is supposed to be, but realizes there are no batteries inside.
Matt disassembles the electromagnet and obtains batteries, then installs them in the cordless drill.
Matt tries to drill open safe deposit box No. 2001, but the special lock is too strong.
Krustofferson has a special nitrate-based solution that can soften the hard steel bolts.
After Krustofferson injects the special solution into the lock, Matt drills it open.
Matt opens safe deposit box No. 2001.
Matt attempts to remove the Arctic Star Diamond and is horrified to find that the special solution has largely destroyed it, as the chemical is corrosive.
Matt discovers a small notebook next to the destroyed diamond and takes both.
The notebook belongs to the Russian mafia and contains names of bribed politicians and payments made to them, as well as a list of Russian mafia members.
Since the notebook is from the Russian mafia and the Arctic Star was in the same safe deposit box, the diamond likely also belongs to the Russian mafia.
Matt and Krustofferson leave the safe deposit box room and return to the underground parking garage.
Alternative: Before the guards conduct their scheduled check of the safe deposit box room, there is still time to drill open more boxes and obtain more loot. In total, there is time to drill open four more safe deposit boxes.
Matt has found notes with mysterious numbers over time, as well as information from the detective.He first drills open safe deposit boxes with numbers 4002, 5003, and 6001, expecting particularly valuable objects or money, or photos incriminating Eckart.
The safe deposit boxes contain the following:
4002 Gold bars worth £180,000
5003 Stracciatelli violin worth £210,000
6001 Photos incriminating Eckart
The other safe deposit boxes contain the following:
1001 Cash worth £2,900
1002 Cash worth £5,500
1003 Cash worth £4,000
1004 A worthless will
2002 Cash worth £5,000
2003 A pearl necklace worth £3,200
2004 An old key, it remains unclear what it unlocks
3001 Cash worth £4,900
3002 Cash (dollars) worth £1,100
3003 Gold coins worth £11,000
3004 A ruby ring worth £3,400
4001 Cash worth £3,500
4003 Cash worth £2,300
4004 A pearl worth £4,000
5001 Cash worth £3,200
5002 A modern art object worth £4,000
5004 Cannot be opened
6002 Cash (Austrian schillings) worth £4,500
6003 Empty
6004 Cash worth £2,500
Underground Parking Garage
Paulinka, Barney, and Geronimo are already waiting in front of the second van for Krustofferson and Matt. Together, they all drive off.
The next day. Inspector Hall informs Chief Inspector Eckart about the latest investigation results of the recently discovered bank heist. Eckart wants to have Matt arrested because he strongly suspects that Matt is involved in the break-in.
Simultaneously, the entire gang meets in Paulinka’s garage.
Matt distributes the loot and tells the others about the mafia notebook.
Alternative: If Matt stole the photos of Eckart, he also mentions this.
Matt now has to decide whether he wants to save Uncle Briggs or not.
Matt doesn’t have Eckart’s photos. Matt is ungrateful and selfish, doesn’t save Briggs, and leaves the garage with the others.
A few weeks later. Matt is alone on the run and wants to escape to the Balkans. He is worn out and mentally strained. At the Austrian-Yugoslav border, where he has just pitched his tent, his conscience speaks up. He doubts his decision to abandon Briggs. He ponders what he should do next…
Matt has the photos of Eckart, but he is morally corrupt, ungrateful, and selfish. Although he could use the photos to blackmail Eckart and save both Briggs and himself, he runs away alone.
A few weeks later. Matt is alone on the run and wants to escape to the Balkans. He is worn out and mentally strained. At the Austrian-Yugoslav border, where he has just pitched his tent, his conscience speaks up6. He doubts his decision to abandon Briggs. He ponders what he should do next…
Matt doesn’t have Eckart’s photos but still wants to save Briggs.
After everyone has said goodbye, Matt stands in front of Paulinka’s locked garage.
Maedow Court
Matt calls Eckart and tells him he has a notebook that can serve as evidence for Eckart to arrest the mafia boss Popov and dismantle the Russian mafia. In return, Eckart should release Briggs. They arrange a meeting in the city park.
Matt goes to the subway station and travels to the city park.
City Park
Matt walks to the park bench and meets Eckart and Inspector Hall with Briggs there.
Matt gives Eckart the mafia notebook and wants Briggs to be released.
Eckart, the pig, refuses and has Matt arrested.
Matt and Briggs were arrested, convicted, and spend the next few years in prison. But Briggs wouldn’t be Briggs if he didn’t already have a plan.
Another tunnel is to be dug, this time one out of the prison…
Matt has Eckart’s photos and wants to save Briggs. After everyone has said goodbye, Matt stands in front of Paulinka’s locked garage.
Maedow Court
Matt calls Eckart and tells him he has a notebook that can serve as evidence for Eckart to arrest the mafia boss Popov and dismantle the Russian mafia. In return, Eckart should release Briggs. They arrange a meeting in the city park.
Matt goes to the subway station and travels to the city park.
Alternative: Matt chickens out at the last moment and leaves the city without meeting Eckart and saving Briggs.
This leads to Ending 1.
City Park
Matt walks to the park bench and meets Eckart and Inspector Hall with Briggs there.
Matt gives Eckart the mafia notebook and wants Briggs to be released.
Eckart, the pig, refuses and wants to have Matt arrested.
But Matt has an ace up his sleeve and shows Eckart the incriminating photos.
Eckart realizes he’s being blackmailed, panics, and lets Matt and Briggs go.
Alpine Hotel in Austria
A few weeks later, Matt and Briggs are in a hotel in the Austrian Alps, planning their future. They didn’t get rich, but at least they’re free.
Briggs is already devising another plan that will bring them a lot of money. Matt agrees immediately, without knowing what it is…